In a previous post, I mentioned my intention of factoring out Origon’s replication framework. The thing is, it’s not really a framework per se, more like a distributed algorithm with constituent parts running on both the server and on any number of clients. So factoring it out, as it were, is more a question of generalising it. And no, I haven’t yet got around to generalising it in any meaningful way.

But as it turns out, parts of it already exist in the open. Back in early 2017, I was working on the iOS side of an MVP app project, and I was blocked by a bug in the Sync library we were using to cache backend data on the device. The bug didn’t get the attention we required, so to get out of the impasse, I decided to roll my own, based on the client portion of Origon’s replication algorithm.

I did it in my own time to retain ownership, published it on GitHub as JSONCache, and pulled it into the MVP app, where it worked flawlessly.

However, something about the implementation has been bugging me ever since I wrote it. To extrapolate an example from the documentation:

JSONCache.bootstrap(withModelName: "Bands") { result in
  switch result {
  case .success:
    switch JSONCache.fetchObject(ofType: "Band", withId: "Japan") {
    case .success(let japan):
      var japan = japan as! Band
      japan.otherNames = "Rain Tree Crow"

      ServerProxy.update(band: japan.toJSONDictionary()) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
          switch {
          case .success:
            print("Japan as Rain Tree Crow all nicely tucked in")
          case .failure(let error):
            print("An error occurred: \(error)")
        case .failure(let error):
          print("An error occurred: \(error)")
    case .failure(let error):
      print("An error occurred: \(error)")
  case .failure(let error):
    print("An error occurred: \(error)")

There’s nothing special going on here. The Core Data stack is bootstrapped, an object is fetched, modified and persisted back to the backend and then to Core Data.

But there’s a strong smell. The pyramid of doom as the callback stack unwinds is quite pronounced, and on every stack pop there’s the same error handling taking place. I knew this was a smell already when I wrote it, but I was unsure how to address it.

However, in the meantime I have been working quite a lot with asynchronous programming. I have worked with promises in TypeScript and Java (where they’re called CompletableFuture), and Scala has a plethora of async libraries to choose from. On the Swift side, PromiseKit is perhaps the most well known, and there’s a few others as well.

The thing is, however, that after having cut the dependency to Antitypical’s Result library once Swift 5 came with native Result support, I was hesitant to pull in another heavy dependency that I’d probably only need a tiny portion of.

So again I decided to roll my own.

I have spent quite some time over the past year and a half practicing and wrapping my head around the underlying principles of functional programming, first in Haskell, and lately in Scala, and I decided that what I needed was a minimal Promise type that would let me sequence both asynchronous and synchronous operations that return a Result.

I ended up calling it ResultPromise. It’s only about 40 lines of code, and it lets me rewrite the above example as follows:

let promise = JSONCache.bootstrap(withModelName: "Bands")
    .then { JSONCache.fetchObject(ofType: "Band", withId: "Japan") }
    .thenAsync { object in
        let japan = object as! Band
        japan.otherNames = "Rain Tree Crow"
        return ServerProxy.update(band: japan.toJSONDictionary())
    .then { }

promise.await { result in
    switch result {
    case .success:
        print("Japan as Rain Tree Crow all nicely tucked in")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("An error occurred: \(error)")

Short and sweet. (If we disregard the fact that from a functional programming perspective, this is about as impure as it gets. But that’s I/O for you. I’m not writing an IO monad for Swift just yet.)

In fact, it’s so short and sweet that I’ll paste the full code right here:

public class ResultPromise<T, E: Error> {
    fileprivate var result: Result<T, E>? {
        didSet { observers.forEach { observer in } }
    fileprivate lazy var observers = [(Result<T, E>) -> Void]()

    public func fulfil(with result: Result<T, E>) {
        self.result = result

    public func await(with observer: @escaping (Result<T, E>) -> Void) {

    public func then<U>(_ f: (@escaping (T) -> Result<U, E>)) -> ResultPromise<U, E> {
        let promise = ResultPromise<U, E>()
        await { result in
            promise.fulfil(with: result.flatMap(f))
        return promise

    public func thenAsync<U>(_ f: (@escaping (T) -> ResultPromise<U, E>)) -> ResultPromise<U, E> {
        let promise = ResultPromise<U, E>()
        await { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let value):
                f(value).await { result in
                    promise.fulfil(with: result)
            case .failure(let error):
                promise.fulfil(with: .failure(error))
        return promise

This is the beauty of rolling your own: You get to make it do exactly what you need it to do and nothing else. Zero risk of a left-pad debacle.

Feel free to copy it into your own project. I may publish it as a gist on GitHub, or maybe in a repo of its own, so it can evolve. Time will tell. For now, it’s here.